All photography provided by Marc Vernaeve.
Our Mission
Creating an urban societal environment that allows people from all walks of life to engage in sustainable practices that benefit the environment and the community while providing a self-sustaining economic platform.
We also assist our local SME’s on a roadmap of sustainability through adopting sustainable business practices.
“An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.”
Our approach is different from the usual way of doing business-as-usual, as we believe that implementing sustainable practices can only be successful when all stakeholders involved are part of it.
We all can contribute, small or big, to sustainable solutions tapping into our skills, knowledge and passion.
"We" means the community, the businesses and the government working as partners to the benefit of the community and the environment. Parrnerships is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals; SDG 17.